Frozen rice, sugar and salt on the border

At the edge of a body of water, next to the Qinhuai River, an imitation of a yellow polyester stone, lit from the inside, floats. This light varies, like a breath. This sculptural image of a floating stone, within a red circle, is surrounded by real stones, forming the edge of the river, whose contours are accentuated by a red light.

The intentions of the organisation.
“Light”, invisible and untouchable though, is endowed with more by technologies of the digital age. The ever changing and dazzling light, a medium of and seeing infinite space for artistic creation, brings off works of various forms and styles. It is an exemplary combination of art and technology, and even claimed to be the main form of art in the future.
In recent years, the so-called "festivals of lights" that followed the Western example constantly sprung up in China, which were, however, far from art. First, the word “lights” in “festival of lights” is used in the wrong way. What needs to be stressed here is light itself instead of the lamps that produce light, for light itself enjoys a wider scope and meaning and higher artistry while lamp imposes limitations. Second, “light” is irreplaceable compared with other solid media. Although whether light is matter remains controversial in the physics community, it is definitely no solid and thus could not be “modeled” or “shaped” as a solid medium. Third, “shadow” is overlooked. Light and shadow are inseparable. Only with shadow can light narrate, and only with their cooperation can transparent image information be produced.
"Light keeps changing day and night." Artists will be invited to the exhibition and create with light as a vehicle. “Kaleidoscopic Light”, from another perspective, indicates both the origin from and return to light.
It is hoped that artists will skillfully adapt the artistic language to the space of Yangjiayu Civil Park in Jiangning District through the “medium of light”, so as to achieve the best artistic effect, enhance the brand value of the “Light and Shadow Art Exhibition”, promote the development of the creative industry in Nanjing and the artistic, cultural and economic integration, and elevate the project to a profound, highly interactive and influential art gala.
With the participation of Yvan Le Bozec : Reach for the moon, Ryan Yuelai : Stone skipping of light, Jing Fuming : Dream of Boat, Niek van de Steeg : Frozen Rice, sugar and salt on the border, Zhang Run : A reverie to light, Zheng Lingxiang : Amber of Light, Zhang Meng : Seven, Li Liuyang : Flyer, Zhang Zengzeng : Here you will brilliantly shine, Monika Lin : The color of light, Lu Shaofan : Kiss, Assadour Markarov : Lives in nature, Maik Mager : Tears of the Ocean, Zhang Yu : Ode of the Lotus flower to Jinling, Hu Yijia : Inner landscape, Dang Le : The Heaven, Huang Yan & Pan Jin : Light tunnel, Zhai Xiaoshi : The god of doorways, Chen Huisong  : Moments in Qinhuai, Wang Zhong : Five elements-clouds, Xu Ge : House of light, Yu Chenxing : Time, Jean- François Gavoty : 24 midway rochers, Gun Jailing : Speaking stones, Zheng Wenqin & Li Jian ’an : Light action, Peng Xianfeng : Rainbow bridge, Zhu Zhiwei : The circle of life, You Shude : As I move with light, Xu Xiaohua : Shadows of silk, Zheng Jia : Writing Qinhuai in ink, Zheng Jing : Lights across the tweet.