The debate table is presented in the exhibition Friends in Love and War -  L’Éloge des meilleur·es ennemi·es
Exhibition at MAC Lyon from Friday 8 March 2024 - Sunday 7 July 2024
The exhibition Friends in Love and War - L'Éloge des meilleurs-es ennemi-es, a collaboration between the art centre Ikon and macLYON, presents a selection of works from the collections of the British Council and the Musée d'art contemporain de Lyon on the theme of friendship.
For further information, visit the website du MAC
Saturday 15 June sees the opening of the Future is Now exhibition at Le Parvis in Tarbes, which runs until 5 October.
For its part, the contemporary art centre, which in 50 years has programmed more than 300 exhibitions, will be blowing out its candles with an exhibition in feedback and prospective mode, entitled Future is now, which will invite some fifty artists who exhibited between 1974 and 2024 to return to the scene of the crime! One of the first contemporary art institutions to be set up in France¹, Le Parvis is also one of the most unusual...
More here on the Parvis website