Installation on the slopes of the Croix-Rousse, Lyon, 8 - 11 December 2004.
© Phœbé Meyer
Curated by Claire Peillod.
Coordinated by Corentine Baudrand.
With the participation of Julien Tarride for the musical score.
Film program : Géneviève Houssay.
The films of Alina Abramov, Hélène Beuzit, Yves Bourget and Hélène Grange, Eric Boutarin, Sébastien Coupy, Annabelle Czyz, Mathieu Jouffre, Thomas Léon, Vincent Lemire, Gaelle Massonnier and Jean-Charles Paumier.
The chorus "les Goulayantes"
The organizations Ariel Service, 124 Services, Social Center "de la Grand Côte", ...
With the support of the City of Lyon and the Art School of Lyon.